Wednesday 1 August 2012

Sweden recap

It is now 03:51 the 1st of Aug. and I'm sitting by the beach 20 or 30 km from Copenhagen. I've been looking for a decent place to sleep, but there just isn't one. Half an hour ago I found a camping site, but there was no one there, so I thought I'd just wait out the night. Besides, you had to check out at 11am, so I saw no point in checking in

I've been on the road for one week now, and everything is working out great! Te bike is still in great condition as am I. So far, I've done 758km, but I've also had one day off. That day I spent with old childhood friends, I washed some clothes and checked my gear. There was some heavy rain the day I spent with them, the restaurant we dined at in the marina got flooded, the staff took matter very calmly so it was probably not the first time.

On the road I've noticed that 15km/h is an ideal speed, this has been my average every day except my first. I also really enjoy pedaling at night, often you can see the eyes of foxes, rabbits and a bunch of other animals watching you as you drive past. It's nice to know that you are not alone in woods.

The horizon is lighting up and I can now hear the seagulls, time to hit the road again.

Footnote: This will be posted at a later time when I have internet access.


1 comment:

  1. Tjena Anders!
    Det var en helvetes jävla resa du är ute på! all lycka till!
