Tuesday 14 August 2012

Day 16. 1760km, 9th of Aug.

Woke up close to Amsterdam this morning, some 20km east of the city and rolled in early. Met some nice people on my way in to the Brompton junction Amsterdam. I was not the only cyclist on the road, there where so many bikes crowding the streets. I crossed many bridges until I reached the shop.

I was directed to the right street by a new found friend and had no problem finding the shop from there. Vincent received me and showed me around the shop, had a coffee and looked at the different bikes. They have around 30 bikes in stock and loads of accessories. I charged up some electronics as I was running low on batteries thanks to the German weather. Cycling through the Netherlands had proven to be great weather wise. Since I crossed the Swedish Danish border, it had rained for at least one hour every day without fail.

The shop only opened a couple of months ago and was very nicely decorated. I took many pictures and then almost two hours later continued on to the Hague. Passed Schiphol airport, just at the end of the runway with airplanes taking off every two minutes over me.

Finding my way out of Amsterdam proved harder than I thought it would be, once you get on the wrong side of a channel and there aren't any bridges, all you can do is carry on along the water until a bridge comes your way.

I cycled close to the beach almost all the way, it was very hot and the beaches looked very nice, packed with people.

1 comment:

  1. Härligt. Been there too. Had my chain replaced. Nice shop.
