Friday 27 July 2012

Day 2, 235km

Change of plans. Instead of pulling an all nighter on the road, I decided to stop in Linköping. I went for a swim after my first ferry ride and was later invited to go and drink a beer with a new found friend in his recently bought summerhouse. Tack Andreas! The water was nice and warm as was the weather. I managed to do 35km more than my daily minimum, which is 100km, so I can add those to my "plus account", and use them on a rainy day if there is one. So far my Helly Hansen bike clothes have kept me nice and dry, so no complaints there! Tomorrow I plan to reach Husqvarna or Jönköping, so stay tuned. Good night!


Distance: 135km

Average speed: 15,7 km/ h

Top speed: 47km/h



  1. how much equipment are you carrying with you? i'm curious to know how much a brompton can take and how you manage to condense it all down!

    1. I will be posting a list of everything I'm carrying, had no time do do it before departure.
